
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spiritual Article

Driving Force

Poignancy of human thoughts leads to the realization of the real cause of life and its purpose. We struggle to meet the challenges of life, in the course of  time we experience the ebb & flow of driving force, This force propels us to make move to the next level to keep us going and achieving the objective of life. It is the average energy of all the ebbs that cumulatively account for the ultimate success of life. What creates ebbs in life? It is the Positive attitude and belief of self in self.  Every flow impedes the ebb, this implies that even the tough time proactively prepares us to face the challenges with passion coupled with courage to sustain it and live the life with grace & glory. So feel, love & live the life with the crescendo to transform it like sea, hat has all the gravity, maturity, & depth. Understand the mystery and history of life to present the life with present of present.

Manoj Kumar
Asst. Professor
Marketing Management.