
Saturday, March 5, 2011


The need for strong cross-cultural competence in today’s business environment is stronger than ever before. Globalization and the changing demographics in many of the world’s leading countries has lead to a significant increase in multicultural businesses. And with the economic recession and the opportunities provided by the web, many people are also turning towards international business.

Why You Need Cross-Cultural Competence

Cross-Cultural Communication Blunders
Cross-cultural communication misunderstandings happen all the time.  Unfortunately there isn’t a way to avoid them.  But with the right procedures and adequate skills you can limit these misunderstandings from becoming international business blunders.  This article series shows you how to keep any cross-cultural communication misunderstanding from leading into a full-blown cultural blunder.
Cultural Perceptions
Good cross-cultural skills often rely on our ability to identify how and when our differences in perception impact effective communication. This series of articles helps you to improve your ability to identify any differences in cultural perceptions and in turn improve your overall cross-cultural communication.
Cross-Cultural Differences
It’s not always easy for professionals to put aside their own cultural assumptions and barriers to cross-cultural communication in the work environment. Strong cultural awareness makes it easier to anticipate and see how cultural differences can jeopardize international business success. This series of articles is to help raise your awareness of cultural differences and to make you notice your own cultural assumptions which block cross-cultural communication and can even make you lose international clients