
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Business Quiz

  1. Identify the logo.

2. Identify the logo of this company.
3. Nakshatra diamond jewellery brand belongs to which group?
4. What was founded in 1951 by Ruben Rausing and Erik Wallenberg?
5. DANE: INTERSECT HUM Unscramble the above for a Glazerowned brand.
6. 'Let's Catch Up' is the line for which social network?
7. ... is the INSEAD Dean. Fill up the blank.
8. 'Mahabharata in Polyester' is which family's biography?

Answer : 1. Patni, 2. Ford Mustang, 3. Gitanjali, 4. Tetra Pak, 5. Manchester United, 6. Bigadda, 7. Dipak Jain, 8. Ambhani

(Source -: