
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Effective Business Communication

Effective business communication is key to your effectiveness as a manager.  You cannot be    successful if you cannot communicate effectively. The components of successful communication include listening, clarifying, conscious speaking, and setting the stage.
Effective business communication occurs when all employees and stakeholders are kept informed of what is going on in the company. There are many tools and resources available today companies use to effectively communicate with one another. These tools include cell phones, business phones, video conference calling, email, fax, and other methods. In addition to communication tools, the way you communicate is extremely important so misunderstandings do not take place. 
The most effective communication is in person. Speaking with employees individually or in teams expresses respect, encourages participation and response and allows for instant explanations and clarifications of misunderstandings. Further, face to face communication allows for observation of feelings, reactions and interpretation of "body language".

When scheduling a meeting it's important to set the stage for the topic you are about to discuss. Inform the employee or the team about the subject matter, how much of their time you need to cover the topic, what you expect from them with the conversation, and let them know if the message is going to be positive or negative. The listener should be prepared to hear what you have to say. Don't surprise someone with a topic of discussion, especially if the subject matter is negative.
Effective business communication means that you also need to be a good listener. If you set up a meeting and you are the facilitator of the meeting or the primary speaker, it doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear what you have to say and that is it. You need to give others a chance to speak and listening to them is very important. One thing that many people do when they are talking to others is try and multitask. Not only is this rude but it can often cause you to misunderstand someone or not get the entire point of the conversation. Don't work on the computer, or be doing anything else but talking to the other person. Also, don't sit and wait to talk to the other person or think about what you are going to say next. You won't really be hearing what they are saying but thinking about what you are going to say. Truly listen to the other person communicate.

Effective business communication requires you to think about what you are going to say before you say it. This means you need to be more conscious about how you use your words. This will allow you to be more effective also. Think about the message you want to convey, determine information to support the message, anticipate the response of the listener, and choose appropriate word choices. Recognize communication filters: values, attitudes, experience etc. Receivers interpret your message based on those filters. 
Written communications, formal or informal, impart records and documentation that may leave an important paper trail. Email is an in personal form of communication that often comes across as harsh, even insulting. Read more about effective email.
Clarification is the final thing you need to consider when you practice effective business communication. It is very important to make sure you clearly understand what the other person is saying to you and what they mean. When you clarify what they say to you, there is no misunderstanding. Always repeat back to the person what they are saying to you or how you are perceiving it to make sure you both are on the same page.

Effective business communication works when you practice preparing the other person, clarifying what you hear and that you are understood, thinking before you speak, and making sure you are on the same page. There are many tools to help a business communicate effectively. Proper use of these tools with practice can help communication become effective.