
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hospitality Glossary

Tourism - Leisure travel.

Tourist/Visitor/Traveler - Any person who travels either for leisure or business purposes  more than 100 miles (round-trip) in a day or who stays overnight away from his/her  primary domicile.

Transient Occupancy Tax - TOT or bed tax is a locally set tax on the cost of commercial  accommodations and campgrounds. 

Travel - Leisure and other travel including travel for business, medical care, education, etc.  All tourism is travel, but not all travel is tourism.

Travel Agent - An individual who arranges travel for individuals or groups. Travel agents may be generalists or specialists (cruises, adventure travel, conventions and meetings.) The agents receive a 10 to 15% commission from accommodations, transportation companies and attractions for coordinating the booking of travel. They typically coordinate travel for their customers at the same or lower cost than if the customer booked the travel on his/her own.