
Saturday, February 11, 2012

CSR By Colgate-Palmolive

Colgate Bright smile Bright Future
The Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures oral health educational programme worldwide was developed to teach children positive oral health habits of basic hygiene, diet and physical activity. This programme also encourages dental professionals, public health officials, civic leaders and, most importantly, parents and educators to come together to emphasis the importance of oral health as part of a child's overall physical and emotional development.
Under this programme, conducted by Colgate-Palmolive, India, children in primary schools receive instructions in dental care from members of the dental profession nominated by the Indian Dental Association. Education is imparted with the aid of audio-visuals and printed literature created by the company. Free dental health care packs, including samples, are also distributed by the company to encourage good oral hygiene.
The Teachers Training Programme is an integral part of the School Dental Health Programme, conducted regularly across the country to promote preventive dental health care. Colgate also launched its first-ever online school curriculum featuring fun and entertaining activities. 

Teachers Training Program

Training in the basics of oral health care is imparted to school teachers. This helps them play a significant role in preventive oral care by inculcating good oral care habits in the students. The Teachers Training Program forms a vital part of the Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures Program. Till date, 2,43,500 teachers have been trained under the program.

National Oral Health Program

Colgate-Palmolive India continues its march in the area of spreading oral health awareness through the School Dental Health Education Program. Under this Program, over 72 million school children in rural and urban parts of the country in the age group of 6-12 years have been reached out till date. Members of various IDA local branches and professional oral care organizations organized the Program across the country with the help of audio-visual aids, posters, charts and demonstration of right brushing techniques.