
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Interviewing and Networking Involve usage of Career

Interview is conducted by all organizations to fulfill the human resource needs of the organization. The human resource needs of the organization are fulfilled by the human resource department of that organization.

human resource managers are responsible towards the recruiting and hiring functions. Interviews are conducted to recruit and hire the best employees for the job. The interviewing involves many things. The interviewing also involves usage of career success stories. The career success stories can be used during the interviewing. The interviewee can speak about the success of his career during an interview but not in the form of a story. The interviewee should speak as much as he is asked for. The interviewee should not speak beyond the limit and distract the interviewer.

The career success stories should be communicated in short to the employer. This will give a good impression of you in the eyes of the employer. The human resource manager will get to know what capabilities you have that made your career successful. The career success stories can be used in the networking also. The networking involves many things which are essential from the career point of view. Networking helps you in many ways. When you share your career success stories on the networking you will achieve a good impression and this may also be helpful to others. The other members of the networking will get examples of your success and how you achieved it.

The human resource employment is most suitable for people who enjoy working with others. The human resource employment is creating more
human resource jobs. The human resource jobs have varied options. The human resource careers and human resource employment both are secured. The human resource careers have guaranteed futures. The human resource employees can take opportunities of growth and development in this field.

Highly Skilled Temporary Immigrants Contribute
August 4 2010 - Research from Harvard Business School and the University of Michigan published in the Journal of Labor Economics found that highly skilled temporary immigrants to the U.S. contribute to technological innovation without detriment to native-born workers.
The study compared immigration to the U.S. from 1995 to 2008 under the H-1B visa program (applicable to highly skilled workers) with the number of U.S. patent applications filed over the same period. Reflecting government restrictions on immigration levels, the number of visas varied from 65,000 to 195,000 a year.
The researchers explain that as patent applicants' nationalities are not recorded, they used their names as an indication of birthplace. The study found that in periods when more H-1B visas are granted, the number of patent applications filed by people with Chinese and Indian names increased significantly in locations where organizations depended on the program. The number of applications filed by people with names they categorized as 'Anglo-Saxon' did not fluctuate in the same way.
The study concludes that much of the increase can be attributed to highly skilled temporary immigrants.
Authors William R. Kerr and William F. Lincoln explained:
"We conclude that total invention increased with higher [H-1B] admissions primarily through the direct contributions of immigrant inventors. We are also able to rule out displacement [of native workers]."
They continued:
"This study quantifies the impact of changes in H-1B admission levels on the pace and character of U.S. invention. We hope that this assessment aids policy makers in their current decisions about appropriate admission rates in the future."