
Monday, April 2, 2012

Alternative Definitions of HR-ROI

In today’s fast paced world, anyone that wants to invest their time and money wants to know what will be their return? It’s the WIFM – “What’s in it for me?” – Question that gets attention.

Human Resources can explore ROI over a number of different dimensions to more fully assess and articulate the value of specific programs. Those dimensions include:
·                                 Return on Individual:  To what extent has the information provided in the program positively changed the behaviors of individuals who attend?
·                                 Return on Ideas: Has the program stimulated the brain cells of the participants to create ideas that will only help promote growth personally and organizationally?
·                                 Return on Improvements: From the ideas shared and the learning sessions, the improvements suggested will positively impact the organizations performance.
·                                 Return on Industry: If we get those who attend to provide ideas, which in turn provide improvements, the industry will see and experience the benefits and will want more work from you.
·                                 Return on Instructor: The instructor can make or break the outcome of any training program. Has the instructor delivered the message effectively so that it will impact those attending and impacted the participants and made a difference?
·                                 Return on Intangible: Has the behavior (the intangible) that is being developed in the session caused an increase in productivity?