Wednesday, April 4, 2012

CSR Projects undertaken by Bharti Airtel (Cont...)

Waste Management
Bharti Airtel has been able to reduce office waste by introducing simple but effective practices like printing only when necessary, double sided printing & photocopying and sending documents electronically. Bharti Airtel undertook a dramatic transformation in work processes which has delivered powerful dividends in terms of environmental friendliness. These initiatives have managed to save approx 600,000 sheets of paper every year. Bharti Airtel has in place a recycling and waste management program to support the environment which also provides significant cost saving for the organisation in long term. Bharti Airtel carefully planned a coordinated approach with full support of the management & employees.
With the recycling program in force, the equipment does not go in the market for resale; rather it is destroyed at an authorised centre which follows environmental norms. This ensures that none of these parts fall in hands of unsocial elements or end up in polluting the environment. The recycling program covers end of lifecycle solution, asset recovery, brand protection by destroying parts before recycling and certifications with respect to waste disposal and elimination of environmental liabilities.
Bharti Airtel is in the process of finalising its Environment/Health & Safety Policy (EHS) and will apply for ‘ISO 14001 compliance’ within the next three years for each of its facilities.
The Company constantly explores for new and innovative ways of reducing the consumption of natural resources, with the aim of leaving a better and greener earth for generations to come.

Farmer Welfare
Bharti Airtel believes that the real India lives in its villages and our rapid rural penetration enables us to impact the lives of farmers. The Company has been working with farmers’ co-operative society IFFCO to provide farmers with vital information around weather, mandi prices, agronomy, horticulture, forestry, government schemes, etc. This is managed through our joint venture with IFFCO called IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Limited (IKSL).
Customer Welfare
Airtel has also been instrumental in changing 2 lakh lives by infusing confidence amongst rural India by offering the Speak English service. The service offers lessons in spoken English using real life scenarios like how to greet people, how to talk to women, how to interact in an interview etc. and has specifically benefited many housewives & job seeking youth.

Internet with just 80 mn users in India limits the reach of the classifieds services. Jobs on mobile, a utilitarian and livelihood enhancement service from Bharti Airtel is bridging this information divide. It is enabling 5 mn Indians to access relevant job posting through the largest Classifieds content repository in the country. This service is being rendered by tying up with the leading classified job portals. ‘Jobs on mobile’ has impacted the lives of people from all walks of life including carpenters, plumbers, ironsmiths, village youth, women etc and has so far delivered over 75 mn matching alerts