Saturday, April 21, 2012

HR Glossary

Critical incidents          
A method of avoiding the subjective judgements which are the feature of most ranking and rating systems. It is the keeping, by management, of a record of on-job incidents or behaviours which may be examples of [in]effective behaviour and used as background information for subsequent discussions and performance appraisals. 

Disciplinary procedure

A procedure carried out in the workplace in the event of an employee committing some act contrary to terms of the employment agreement. If the act is regarded as Gross Misconduct this may lead to Summary Dismissal.

Emotional Intelligence

Describes the mental ability an individual possess enabling him/her to be sensitive and understanding to the emotions of others as well as being able to manage their own emotions and impulses.

Exit Interview

An interview between a member of staff of the organisation that an employee is leaving the organisation for ascertain  reasons. It Should not be carried out by employee’s immediate superior. Used for possible changes.