
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Globalization, Global Exposure and the Global Citizen: Insights from Top MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR

At one of the top MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR, Ishan Institute of Management & Technology, the academic, business and student communities have been engaging in acts of global exposure for the last twenty one years. One of the reasons that students opt for MBA courses in the top MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR is that the place offers a window into the world of opportunities. Probably it is fashionable for academicians of higher education to harp on the strings of well chosen homilies that are outright bookish and textual in their endeavours to define globalization. Given that globalization makes its presence felt in the literature review of more than one academic discipline, the biggest challenge for business school academicians is to optimize the definition that best reflects the aspirations of the community that they epitomize. To put things into a capsule form, there are economic, cultural, social, political, financial, technological, linguistics and historical dimensions of globalization. The reason behind taking up the title of globalization in an academic blog from a business school in Delhi NCR is to ask ourselves about that community of people and category of business interests that we aim to support through our rendition of a definition of globalization. As intellectual as the title gets, it makes enormous good sense to assert that the function of an academician, an intellectual and specifically even a business school faculty is to offer the best possible choice available from a range of options as referred to in his seminal work “The Responsibility of Intellectuals” by celebrated American cognitive scientist and logician Noam Chomsky.

Cherry Picking the Truth of Globalization Sans the Colours of Ideology
Most academicians have unfortunately got accustomed to the bad habit of painting an academic concept in colours of ideology and thereafter presenting a half baked truth on the floor of the classroom to young minds in their lecture sessions. The results are obvious and lackadaisical. As renowned business theoretician Peter Drucker had once written in his book The End of Ideology, the best thing about the 21st century is that it marks the end of empires that were  built on ideologies that have all at some point of time crumbled to defeat and despair in the face of surmounting empirical evidence pointing to the contrary. Business school academicians for example did rightly celebrate the fall of a myth of the dictatorship of the proletariat when the Gulliver’s giant USSR collapsed and the Berlin Wall was brought down by people from both the sides of Germany. However they for obvious reasons best known only to them fail to acknowledge the fact that a school of thought in business management that fails to defend the lives of 25 million people annually on account of poverty is a failure and a big one at that. They remain conspicuously absent and deafeningly silent on the fact that 8% of the world’s population consumes 70% of the world’s resources and generates 30% of the global climate change. This is where there is a pressing need to obliterate the very narrow view of globalization that has been unfortunately propounded by Anglo-American schools of business thought based on “financialization.” To think of the world as a market, human lives as commodities, problems of local communities as opportunities to extract super normal profits and enlightened self interest or individualism as a sacrosanct philosophy implies that globalization to some MBA and PGDM Colleges is a ‘race to the bottom” to quote the iconic Columbia economist Prof. Jagdish Bhagwati.

Engineering Globalization to Expand Horizons and Enhance Choices
Contrary to the dogmas that exist on the right, left and centre, globalization is the process of connecting nations in the world by means of economic, technological, cultural, linguistic, political and social interfaces that are engineered to achieve desired objectives. At Ishan Institute of Management & Technology, one of the top PGDM Colleges in Delhi NCR and the first MBA College in Greater Noida, we assert that globalization is communication, the language of it best defined in content and form according to the objectives of the communication. We assert that globalization without human engineering turns into carnage of the worst kind where people and planet lose out the pole positions of priority to profit only. We assert the view that it is not in the best interests of investors, clients and employees of any business enterprise to lead sequestered lives in a small world where streamlining the flow of information with regard to the availability of alternatives can expand our choices. In a world that is connected and mobility is enhanced it is possible to make optimal choices for work, investments, education, health care, entertainment and more. In a world that is not connected and mobility is depleted it is possible to make sub optimal choices only.
Globalization is a process and it is for business executives, investors, employees and clients to drop anchor on objectives of economic welfare and not just financial gains. There are three statements that can be stated in defence of this assertion. First, is the quote of U.S President Barrack Obama “If you are only thinking of material gains and what is in it for me, it reflects a poverty of ambition?”  Second is the title of a watershed work in development economics by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, “Development as Freedom.” Third is the quote of the renowned Cambridge economist Dr.Manmohan Singh, “There is no free market without freedom.”

At the top PGDM College of Delhi NCR, Ishan Institute of Management & Technology, we have conducted more than forty international seminars on tracks of global importance. These international seminars have been graced by the auspicious presence of avant grade ambassadors of governments of different nations. Students of PGDM and MBA have been enabled and empowered to expand horizons by engaging in research in peoples and problems of communities and offer solutions to solve problems and make a visible difference to their lives. In our journey towards global exposure in recent years we have received support from the ambassadors and governments of the following countries: Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bosnia-Herzigovinia, Denmark, Darussalam Brunei, Zimbabwe, Iceland, Italy, South Korea and Mongolia.