
Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to Streamline and Detoxify Life on the Fast Track: Insights from Top MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR?

Ishan Institute of Management & Technology is one of the top MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR. For the last twenty one years we have built on a legacy of producing business executives and business leaders to serve corporate India and the world. In these twenty one years the world has changed a lot and so have the contours of corporate life. Life on the fast track has never been easy but the truth is that speed, scale and space have become daunting challenges like never before even in our personal lives. One of the reasons behind being hailed as one of the top MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR is that Ishan has consistently reinvented its curriculum to offer not just academic lessons but real business lessons that transform a man into a business executive. Having said this, it is important to remark here that the lessons that go into the making of a business executive are as much about managing business as it is about managing oneself. Managing a business starts with managing and taking care of one self. Very often we have observed that a man who cannot manage his life cannot be expected to manage a business. So at Ishan Institute of Management & Technology, management starts with managing the man.

Manage Tasks Not Relations
Ever wondered what makes business leaders from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh so successful at managing business enterprises? They manage tasks not relations. They manage their work not the boss or colleagues. At home and office how often do we play into the hands of our loved ones or those who are close to us? The truth is that every business executive with the slightest business sense formulates a to-do list and sets time limits for each of the tasks on the to-do list to be completed. Yet very few people are able to achieve all the right marks on the items of the to-do list every day. Unless we resolve to stick to working for ourselves ad for the sake of what we want, we will always be caught up with tasks that lead to wastage of resources, time and efforts. It is easy to manage tasks when you do not have to manage relations. Do not let that family photo, phone call from your friend, message from your pal or any other distraction asking for a favour get in the way of your focus.

Less is More and Small is Beautiful
Ever wondered why some of the best business leaders in the BFSI vertical come from the Marwari community? They understand economic efficiency like nobody else does. The willingness to do more with the existing set of resources and achieve more within the constraints imposed on them is a skill that few people have. Those who do realize that more than the numbers of resources, it is resource allocation and optimization that is important. In many top business schools in India and across the world we talk of green business, technical efficiency, products and process innovation and yet fail to follow suit in our lives. Realize that less is more when we learn to make the most of less.

Do What You Love and Love What You Do
What makes Denmark stand out in Europe? What makes Bhutan stand out in Asia? These two countries are not even half as big as India. Every time you chase a target you will always fall behind in the race of life. Targets are illusions. One leads to another and there is no pit stop in this race. The results are exhaustion, burn out and fatigue. Do what you love and love what you do. The result is happiness. Happiness is what you experience without a heavy wallet, glamorous clothes and a swanky new apartment. There is absolutely no point in chasing anything unless you enjoy the chase. Enjoy the chase and you will regularly be hitting the target.

Decide on Having an Identity that Adapts to Time, Space and Scale
Who am I? Who will give the answer to this question? Does the answer have to change? Is there any correct answer? The answer to all of these questions is yes. When you wake up in the morning and dress up in that executive power suite, take your breakfast and zoom to the office with the laptop bag on your shoulder, you are mercenary on a mission for your enterprise. Look no further. From Monday to Saturday evening do not think twice about this question. You are what you are. When at work do not let anything else come your way. Your enterprise is your shop and the market is your address. You have no business mixing family with business. You have no right to let go an inch of space to your competitors or give a piece of your mind to colleagues and clients for what has happened at home. From Saturday night to Sunday night you are the doting father, loving husband, a very caring son and a friend to your children. Do the household chores, help your wife buying groceries, empower your children to decide what is best for them, sit by your parents and listen to them. You have no right to hurt them for what you are going through at work. Scale up this dichotomy for days, weeks, months and years.

At Ishan Institute of Management & Technology, the top MBA College in Greater Noida the faculty of business administration believes in human engineering. Our PGDM and MBA courses are about self discovery. The discovery of the world can wait. Look inside and explore the new you!