Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes named Aedesaegypti
After being bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus, the incubation period ranges from three to 15 (usually five to eight) days before the signs and symptoms of dengue appear.
· Painful aching in the legs and joints occurs during the first hours of illness.
· The temperature rises quickly as high as 104 F (40 C), with relative low heart rate (bradycardia) and low blood pressure (hypotension).
· The eyes become reddened.
· A flushing or pale pink rash comes over the face and then disappears.
· The glands (lymph nodes) in the neck and groin are often swollen.
Fever and other signs of dengue last for two to four days, followed by a rapid drop in body temperature (defervescence) with profuse sweating
Dengue fever is caused by a virus so there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. For typical dengue, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms (symptomatic).
· Medicine like aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should only be taken under a doctor's supervision because of the possibility of worsening hemorrhagic complications.
· Use of mosquito net
· Clear off the stagnate and standing water in pit, flower pot etc.
· Control and eradication of mosquitoes carrying the disease causing virus
· Wear long pants and full sleeves to prevent mosquito bite
· Use mosquito repellent sprays