
Sunday, August 28, 2011

AIDA’s theory of selling

The AIDAS theory of selling is one of the widest known theories and is the basis for training materials across numerous organizations. AIDAS stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action and Satisfaction.

The AIDAS theory simply states that a prospect goes through five different stages before finally responding satisfactorily to our product.

Attention - Gaining attention is a skill and just like any other skill, gaining attention can be improved upon with practice. A common phrase applicable over here is “First impression is last impression”. The initial attempt of the sales person must be to put the customer completely at ease. Casual conversation is one of the best openers after which the sales person can gain customer attention by leading him onto the sale.

Interest - Once you have gained attention, it is very important to maintain interest. Some sales people are very good in the opening but as the technicalities take over, they become uncomfortable while explaining the product. Whereas others who are strong in the product department might open bluntly but create interest in the second stage. Maintaining interest is a crucial part of the sales process so it is included in the AIDAS theory.

Desire - A sales person has to create enough desire in the customers mind so that he can immediately buy the product. Imagine an aqua guard sales man or a Tupperware sales person, they highlight the product in such a manner that you might be thinking “Why didn’t I buy this product before”. Thus kindling that desire becomes an integral part of the AIDAS selling theory.

Action - Although there may be desire for the product, the customer might not act on it. He might want to buy the product but he might not buy it. In such cases the customer needs to be induced. There are various ways to induce the customer’s needs so that he can buy the product. It is important for the sales person to understand whether to directly induce the customer or whether to push the reminders

Satisfaction – Now when customer is willing to pay, you need to reassure the customer that he has made the right decision. The product is good for the customer and you only presented the product. It was his decision and he is right about it. These small cues post the sales process really give confidence to the customer