Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CSR activity by Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd

Medicinal Plant Project – An initiative by Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd

Dehi me dadami te’ (As you give me, I give you in return). This quote from an ancient text sums up Dabur’s commitment towards nature. With a strong foundation in the Himlayan Kingdom, Nepal, Dabur has taken many strong -- but quiet -- initiatives in last one and half decade towards corporate social responsibility.

Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd. is a joint venture company established in the year 1989 when probably very few investors had their roots in Ayurveda. Thanks to the favourable climatic conditions here, Nepal has been a major source for the herbal plants which are extensively used in Tibetan, Chinese, Nepalese and Indian medicines. However, due to indiscriminate use, over exploitations, poor collection methods, early harvesting and lack of the post harvest technology, these natural reserves are depleting speedily. What’s worse, there are no systematic efforts to replenish these natural resources of medicinal plants in the Himalayan region.

Dabur Nepal has started the project on medicinal plants in Nepal to provide the modern technology for cultivation of the required medicinal herbs of Himalayas to the farmers. The only eco-friendly project of CSR nature in Nepal, this initiative is fully integrated with the company’s business vision.

A state-of-the-art Greenhouse facility has been set up at Banepa, which has the capability to produce 5-6 million saplings of medicinal plants per annum. All the required climatic parameters for uniform growth of saplings of the medicinal plants like temperature, humidity etc. are controlled by automatic computer systems. Besides helping preserve natural resources, this initiative has also gone a long way in generating employment and income for local people and improving the socio-economic conditions of local populace in the Himalayan Kingdom.