
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Marketing Glossary

Enduring systems of positive or negative evaluations, emotional feelings, and action tendencies with respect to an object. Consumer's overall liking or preference for an object. (Assael)
Body Language
The nonverbal signals communicated in interactions through facial expressions, arms, legs and hands--or nonverbal communication. This can be positive ( a smile) or negative (a frown.)
Chain Store System
A groups of retail stores of essentially the same type, centrally owned and with some degree of centralized control of operation. This would be similar to the public library's system of branches.
Erratic Demand
A pattern of demand for a product that is varied and unpredictable, e.g., some best sellers, or specific online databases randomly assigned in curriculum by teachers.
Gravity Model
A theory about the structure of market areas. The model states that the volume of purchases by consumers/users the frequency of trips to the outlets are a function of the size of the stores/library and the distance between the store and the origin of the shopping trip.