
Monday, August 8, 2011

Ten Business Etiquette Tips

A workplace with rude, dismissive or careless employees is one that is unproductive, unpleasant and ripe for litigation. This sort of behavior internally spills over to customers eventually, and an insulted customer can easily find someone else to replace your services. Good business etiquette practices start from the top, but employees at every level can help promote good business etiquette.

Ø      Everyone Has a Role

When dealing with your own employees, remember that every person in the company, from the CEO to the mail clerk, can affect every other person. All employees' jobs are interconnected, and the person you may be dismissive of today could have information that is relevant to you tomorrow.

Ø      Make Meetings Useful

When a meeting is necessary, be mindful of other attendees' schedules, and ensure that you are prepared with any materials or information needed for the meeting topic. Thank attendees for their contributions, and send out a written record of what was discussed, with action items. A meeting that requires no action to be taken is a meeting that wasn't necessary in the first place.

Ø      Prompt Communication

When you receive a phone call or email, whether internally or from a client, be sure to respond to it in a timely manner. Even if the inquiry will take longer, a quick email or phone call to let the sender know that you're looking into the subject is going to be appreciated.

Ø      Email Use

The instant gratification of email can lead to careless use and unprofessional appearance. Take the same care in crafting email that you would for any published work, including spelling, punctuation, grammar and capitalization. Be specific, avoiding unclear questions or one-word answers. If you have to send an email asking for clarification and receive one back, you've doubled the amount of emails sent on what could have otherwise been a simple exchange.

Ø      Respect Others' Time

When you need to interrupt someone, try to do it unobtrusively. Be polite and get to the point quickly, to allow him to get back to his work in progress. Avoid interrupting meetings unless time is of import.

Ø      Dress for Success

Even in a casual environment, one should err on the side of caution. A slovenly appearance can imply to clients and coworkers that the situation, company or people involved aren't worth the effort to present yourself respectably. If the dress code is uncertain, it is always safer to be overdressed than underdressed.

Ø      Keep Your Boss Informed

Don't overdo compliments and agreements regarding your boss. Primarily, you should treat all your coworkers with respect, but also behaving differently towards a superior can easily appear to be brown-nosing. You should, however, provide your boss with more information, since he is ultimately responsible for your performance. Keep him informed of any delays, setbacks, new developments or concerns.

Ø      Respect Other Cultures

If your company does work internationally, always respect the other cultures. While you needn't be fluent in every language you do business in, an attempt to learn at least a portion of a language can demonstrate a strong desire for cooperation and respect. Other cultural differences such as holidays and table manners should be studied before any international meeting.

Ø      Timeliness

When there is a time factor in anything business related, from a deadline for a project or a meeting set to begin, don't be late. It implies that you have things more pressing than your coworkers or clients, and more worthy of your attention.

Ø      Remember the Basics

Above all else, remember the simplest manners you were taught as a child. "Please," "thank you" and "you're welcome" are some of the most basic spoken manners, and yet some of the most forgotten. Avoid raising your voice and offensive language.