Saturday, September 17, 2011

Challenges in Career Management faced by 21st century managers

1.Anticipating Global Talent Shortage: The most critical problem is hiring, retaining, training and motivating professional talent in a troublesome scenario where the already critical shortage of human talent in some professional areas and in diverse managerial disciplines due to the beginning of the retirement with no enough replacements of the baby boomers’ workforce; economical growth in China and India and resurgence of energy market firms due to record crude oil prices has motivated a fierce competence to hire, train and retain the already scarce talent available in the job market. Being so, human talent is being more critical to ensure the competitiveness of a company for the long term. Such perspective is the expression of a growing trend of cannibalization in hiring and recruiting scarce professional resource that finally is engaged to work with the bigger companies.
Being so, some companies belonging to these industries are beginning to develop systematically their respective Strategic Workforce Planning to analyze, evaluate and forecast the talent that they need to develop their strategic planning. In parallel, these companies are developing a more proactive HR management and are making the necessary adjustments to excel in the role of hiring, retaining, training and motivating professional talent.

2. Employer Brand Management: Today’s global organizations should excel in developing Employer Brand Management practices to generate multicultural workplaces where an employee can feel pride and satisfaction for belonging to an organisation where he/she is considered, respected and recognized.  When an employee as usually happens in most of today's companies is considered as a mere commodity that may be easily replaced, relocated, hired and finally fired out, is easy to expect that in such workplaces an anguish feeling of demoralization, progressive disengagement and lost of motivation finally will have a profound and detrimental impact over employee’s productivity, increasing the rate of employee’s attrition and affecting the whole company’s productivity for the long term. This is the reason that justifies the progressive adoption of Employer Branding practices.

3.Managing efficiently multicultural organizations: In global organizations that are engaged in developing transformational projects with a worldwide scope dealing with cultural differences in organizations requires from a strong, empowered and influential leadership with the willingness of applying the proper corporate governance practices to homogenize those differences around an inspiring business vision that being strongly encouraged by senior Management and enabled by collaborative technologies may be instrumental in reducing the inefficiencies of having multidisciplinary teams geographically dispersed with different cultures working in markets, products and projects that could be intrinsic and inherent to the particular country’s culture, history and traditions.
It is an age of competition. “Prove yourself or perish” is the mantra of success. With the tremendous progress all around hundreds of career avenues opening everyday. So many career options are available offering opportunities to prove ourselves. Careful and self analysis is the key to successful long range development of individual career success skills. Strategic career adaptation and flexibility self management is the part of new age career management system.