
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


As we know that  Corporate responsibility concepts and principles of CSR of Tata power  are   increase  market economies,  maximize shareholder value (e.g. economic profit, share price and dividends) within the boundaries of legal/regulatory obligations which address specific social and environmental issues. For this, companies pursue competitive strategies which rely upon and develop relationships between the corporation and its stakeholders therefore there is a need for a more pro-active role by states, companies and communities in a development process aimed at balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability and social cohesion. This debate has motivated the following three interlinked movements in the corporate world:
·     CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility);
·     Corporate sustainability;
·     Wold wide reforms on corporate governance.

 Corporate social responsibility activities at TPC

1.     Health
2.     Education
3.     Infrastructure
4.     Energy
5.     Environment
6.     Income generation
The fundamental CSR, sustainability and governance goals and principles are summarized in the following table based on the initiatives outlined above.
The areas addressed are:
a)      Human Rights
b)     Labor Standards
c)      Environment
d)     Health
e)      Anti-Corruption
f)       Economic responsibility
g)      Corporate Governance
With the help of above activity an organization creates “ a company’s positive impact on society and the environment through its operations, products or services and through its interaction with key stakeholders such as employees, customers, investors, communities and suppliers these all activities is known as CSR.
But the main question is how to perform these activities in the organization because  “CSR is a company’s positive impact on society and the environment through its operations, products or services and through its interaction with key stakeholders such as employees, customers, investors, communities and suppliers.
There are some activity which is done in different department.
Human right :- Principle should be Businesses should support and respect the protection  of internationally proclaimed human rights, Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses as well as goal should be Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, Achieve universal primary education, Promote gender equality and empower women.
Labour standard :- Principle should be Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, The effective abolition of child labour, The elimination of employment discrimination.
Environment: - Principle should be Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges,Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility,Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies as well as goal should be Ensure environmental sustainability.
Anti curruption:- Principle should be Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
Health:- Goal should be clear as Reduce child mortality, Improve maternal health, Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases etc.
Economic responsibility:- Develop a global partnership for development, Obligations with regard to consumer protection.
Business ethics in csr activity:-
                       Good business ethics practices include:
·     publishing a Code of Conduct/Ethics;
·     providing examples of business ethics dilemmas;
·     defining ethical tests that can be used by staff to facilitate decision-making;
·     making the company’s conflict of interest guidelines publicly available to investors and other stakeholders, as appropriate;
·     designating an Ethics/Compliance Officer easily accessible by relevant stakeholder groups;
·     communicating the codes and procedures to all employees, agents and other appropriate stakeholders;
·     establishing systems for monitoring and overseeing the actions of the organisation, its employees, agents and other critical stakeholders and  detecting / preventing unethical and/or illegal activities;
·     gathering relevant data and reporting on a regular basis those charged with ethical oversight;
·     providing code enforcement mechanisms;
·     specifying appropriate offence responses;
·     providing an easy ethics complaint self-disclosing process.
                  Hence we can say that for establishing or massive of any organisation for long term should obey the csr activity.

                                                                                   MD ZEYAUL HAQUE
                                                                                     PGDMM, B.Sc (math)
                                                                                     Dip in Comp & Urdu