Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Mr. Shashikant Ruia is Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Essar Shipping Ports & Logistics Ltd. He is Chairman, Essar Group, is a first generation entrepreneur industrialist. He has made invaluable contributions towards strengthening the core and infrastructure sectors in India and has steered the Essar Group to a premier position both domestically and globally. Mr. Ruia began his career in the family business in 1965 under the guidance of his father, the late Mr. Nand Kishore Ruia. Mr. Shashi Ruia was instrumental in Essar's foray into businesses that were the domain of multinational giants or Indian public sector units: shipping, marine construction, steel, power, telecom, offshore engineering and oil exploration. Mr. Ruia's vision saw the Essar Group gain a first mover advantage in many of these businesses. Mr. Ruia has masterminded the group's business strategy and consolidated a range of activities through backward and forward integration. This has enabled the group unleash unique synergies across its businesses. Mr. Ruia is on several important national bodies and industry associations. He was on the managing committee of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), an apex body of India's trade and business associations. He has also been the chairman of the prestigious Indo-US Joint Business Council and is a former president of the Indian National Shipowners’ Association (INSA). Mr. Ruia is also a Director on the Board of various other Indian companies viz., Essar Steel Limited, Essar Power Limited, Asia Motorworks Limited, Essar Projects (India) Limited, Essar Oil Limited and India Securities Limited.