Friday, January 6, 2012

How to manage personal finance

It is quite important that you learn how to manage your personal finance in order to build a solid financial footing for you and your family. This is the right time that you learn the strategies so that you’re able to manage your finances so that you can survive recession in a much better way.
7 Ways to manage your personal finance:
Here are 6 ways, by following which you can manage your personal finance even during the time of recession.
1.         Keep a track of your spending
The most essential step in managing your finance is to keep a track of your spending. You should consider every minute detail; it may appear to be insignificant but they can contribute to a big amount when added together. Therefore, the key concept of tracking your spending is to consider every expenditure carefully, however insignificant it may appear to be.
2.         Identify where you’re spending most
While tracking your expenses, you must also identify where you’re spending the most. Many people shop more when something is offered in discount; others have weakness for certain products. You’ll have to identify your own spending habit; then only you’ll be able to make a conscious effort to reduce it.
3.         Prioritize your expenditure
It requires no mention that you should prioritize your expenditure in order to manage your personal finance. However, it’s not as easy as it seems to be. However, you can decide what is most important to you. If you make a list and purchase only the necessary items, then you’ll be able to sustain even during the time of recession.
4.         Create a spending plan
When you’ve identified your problem areas and also learned how to prioritize your expenditure, it is the time to create a spending plan. It is somewhat similar to a budget, only difference being that a spending plan is a bit flexible. In simple terms, spending plan is just breaking your income into separate categories and then assigning a percent of your income to each of them. As for example, in a budget, you may have separate categories like ‘Entertainment:Movies’, ‘Entertainment:Picnic’, etc,; but, in a spending plan, you need to make just a single category – ‘Entertainment’ and assign a percent of your income that you’re planning to spend on it. It is especially helpful if you have more fluid income.
5.         Try to have a monthly saving
During recession, it is difficult to save as much as you would like; however, you should make an effort to save as much as you’re able to. During this time, try to build up an emergency fund. It is also a good time to add some amount to your retirement fund; it can yield significant profits later. If required, you can take help of a financial consultant, who can suggest an investment plan based on your financial situation and goals.
6.         Look for additional income sources
One of the best ways to manage your personal finance is to look for additional income opportunities. There are a number of online making opportunities that can help you to earn a significant amount just by utilizing your spare time. However, be careful of scams while selecting your online money making opportunity. Make sure that the option you choose is realistic.
7.         Don’t increase your outstanding debt
It may be difficult to pay off your debt during recession but be careful of not increasing it further. Therefore, think before you swipe your credit card. Make your spending plan in such a way that you don’t have to pay through your credit cards. Most importantly, pay towards your debt as much as you can.
If you follow these methods, then you’ll not only be able to manage your personal finance, but also take a step further to build a solid financial future.