
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Foreign Trade News

China President Xi's India Visit: Revival of 4,000-year-old maritime silk route is high on agenda

FUJIAN: Revival of the over 4,000-year-old maritime silk route is high on Xi Jinping government's agenda as it tries to enhance trade and business with countries along the sea route in Southeast Asia and South Asia, including India 

During his summit meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi next week in Delhi, Xi is likely to discuss how India will be a key country in this Chinese strategy for exports both via land and maritime silk routes. Fujian will play a significant part in the grand strategy, sources in Fujian provincial government told a select group of reporters, days ahead of Xi's visit. Sources said firms from Fujian-based enterprises could also be part of landmark industrial parks that China is planning in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Announcement for these parks will be made during Xi's trip.

It is not without any reason that Fujian will be the starting point of maritime silk route. It was the starting point of the ancient maritime silk route.

Also, the Chinese president had spent 17 years from 1985 to 2002 in this coastal province when he undertook major economic reforms, pushed foreign investments and launched poverty alleviation programmes as a Communist Party leader and then then governor. Fujian is close to Xi's heart and is one of the hubs for foreign investments. Sources said further strengthening business links between India and Fujian will be on Xi's agenda when he is India.
Fujian is one of the first provinces in China to open up to investments from South Asia, Southeast Asia, Asia-Pacific South Asia. Located the along coast, Fujian has inherent advantages. Many Chinese in Southeast Asian nations and Taiwan have their origin in Fujian. 

Besides it has a profound marine culture involving shipbuilding, maritime industry, deep sea shipping and sea food processing industry for 4,500 years. Sources pointed out that there is industrial complementary between Fujian and countries along maritime silk route. IT industry, which is strong pillar of Fujian province, is keen to tie-up with Indian software industry. Star-net Communications, a hardware firm headquartered in Fujian exports routers and advanced switches to India. Also, the province boasts of a very developed textile industry that has international markets. ASEAN countries are natural markets for products in Fujian for their geographical proximity. At present, there are 11 enterprises from Fujian in India and it has invested $67 million in wholesale items, shoes, hydropower and telecommunications.