Friday, January 21, 2011

Case Study

A virtual team (also known as a geographically dispersed team or GDT) is a group of individuals who work across time, space and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology. Members of virtual teams communicate electronically and may never meet face-to-face. Virtual teams are made possible by a proliferation of fiber optic technology that has significantly increased the scope of off-site communication. Virtual teams allow companies to procure the best talent without geographical restrictions.According to Hambley, O’Neil, & Kline (2007), "virtual teams require new ways of working across boundaries through systems, processes, technology, and people, which require effective leadership...despite the widespread increase in virtual teamwork, there has been relatively little focus on the role of virtual team leaders".
                                    There are three main aspects to a virtual team - purpose, people and links. While purpose is an important aspect for all organizations, it's the most critical aspect for virtual teams; purpose is what holds a virtual team together. Virtual teams do not have hierarchy or any other common structures because they may not be from same organization, and purpose here brings and holds the team together. Purpose is generally translated into certain action steps for people to work on with a defined structure consisting of common goals, individual tasks and results. A virtual team consists of a group of people working across geographies, time zones and organizations. They are connected together through some technologies and tools for communication. These teams comprise of tele-workers working from home and/or team members working from different office locations. Some virtual teams are formed across the organizations. For instance, the team can comprise of members of a vendor or members of a client. Virtual team members are to possess varied skill sets for the success of a particular project or operation. While the virtual teams have a purpose that binds them together, organizations ensure that these individuals understand and are committed to the values and vision of the organization. In a typical virtual team scenario, members come together based on the skill sets to execute particular tasks and once the task is over, the members get allocated for other tasks.

1.      What is the role of virtual team in the knowledge society?
2.      How the members of the virtual team are connected?