Friday, January 14, 2011

Health tips for Ishanian

The heart is like any other muscle, requiring blood to supply oxygen and nutrients for it to function. The heart's needs are provided by the coronary arteries, which begin at the base of the aorta and spread across the surface of the heart, branching out to all areas of the heart muscle.
The coronary arteries are at risk for narrowing as cholesterol deposits, called plaques, build up inside the artery. If the arteries narrow enough, blood supply to the heart muscle may be compromised (slowed down), and this slowing of blood flow to the heart causes pain, or angina.
Ø      Smoking
Ø      High blood pressure
Ø      High cholesterol
Ø      Diabetes
Ø      Obesity

Ø      Chest pain with shortness of breath.
Ø      Pressure or heaviness behind the breast bone with radiation to the jaw and down the arm    accompanied by shortness of breath and sweating.
Ø      Shoulder or back ache, Nausea
Ø      Indigestion  

By pass surgery
Take cholestrol free food
Avoid doing heavy exercises.