
Friday, August 5, 2011

Glossary of Hospitality

Ø      FIT (Free Independent Travel) - Individual travel in which a tour operator has previously arranged blocks of rooms at various destinations in advance for use by individual travelers.  These travelers travel independently, not in a group, usually by rental car or public transportation. 

Ø      GIT (Groups Independent Travel) - Group travel in which individuals purchase a group package in which they will travel with others along a pre-set itinerary. 

Ø      Head in Beds - Industry slang referring to the primary marketing objective of accommodations and most destinations - increasing the number of overnight stays. 

Ø      Hub - An airport or city which serves as a central connecting point for aircraft, trains or Buses from outlying feeder airports or cities. 

Ø      Hub and Spoke - Air carriers use of selected cities as “hubs” or connected points for service on their systems to regional destinations. 

Ø      Icon - A facility or landmark which is visually synonymous with a destination.