Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Case Study - You Know the Rules, Brenda!

“But Ms. Gilbert, this just isn’t fair! I’m away from the conveyor belt for five minutes and you’re going to suspend me for two weeks? Aw, come on, Ms. Gilbert.”
“Listen,” replied Nancy Gilbert, “you know the rules, Brenda! No one is allowed to leave their work station without permission from their supervisor. I’m your supervisor and you left your job without permission. And don’t give me that ‘five minute’ crap! I glanced at my watch when you left-it was 10:20. You came back at 10:40!”
“That’s not right, Ms. Gilbert,” retorted Brenda. “I had to check with my daughter’s nursery school. She’s been sick for the past few days. I was always less than five minutes. Hell, everyone around here leaves their jobs for a few minutes without getting permission. This just isn’t fair. I’ve been here for two years and I know I didn’t do anything wrong!”
            “Look, Brenda. That’s the whole problem around here. I may have only been a supervisor for a few months, but I’m not stupid. People around here get away with murder. You break the rules and your boss looks the other way. Well, no more! We’re going to shape up this department!”
            “But why me, Ms. Gilbert? You know how I need this job. I just can’t afford two weeks without pay,” explained Brenda.
            “Well, that’s too bad. You should have thought about that before you broke the rule. No, Brenda. You knew the rules around here. You left your work station without permission. The suspension stands.”
1.      Has Nancy Gilbert treated Brenda fairly?
2.      How would you have handled this situation?