Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Executives and managers need information on new topics and techniques they can employ personally and in their organizations to improve profitability, reduce costs and create a climate where people are resilient and positive. Through published articles, Byron Stock & Associates has informed performance improvement professionals and educational and organizational development leaders with insights about Emotional Intelligence.

Eradicate the Turnover Virus - "The Service-Profit Chain," (Harvard Business Review, Hesket, et al.) has shown the direct linkage between executive leadership and employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. What personal actions are executives taking to positively impact this chain to build an emotional climate that increases employee's satisfaction, loyalty and retention?

A Seamless Transition: Improving the CEO Succession Process - The emotionally charged issue of leadership transition can throw the corporate board, CEO, his successor and upper management ranks into absolute turmoil. When succession plans include educating all of the parties involved on how to handle their emotional tension during the transition, the result is a win-win situation.

The Missing Piece to the Leadership Puzzle - What key skills and abilities separate outstanding leaders from mediocre ones? What distinguishes star performers from good ones is how they handle the emotionally charged situations that they face each day. Developing Emotional Intelligence is critical for business leaders who want to succeed in the 21st Century.

Getting to the Heart of Performance - Review a simple model showing the factors that executives, managers and knowledge workers must consider/change to improve people's performance in organizations. Learn about these factors and the critical role emotions and Emotional Intelligence play.

Emotional Intelligence - A Conscious Solution - By enhancing the Emotional Intelligence (EI) of its employees, an organization can successfully leverage a key trend identified in Patricia Aburdene's Megatrends 2010: "The Wave of Conscious Solutions." As we enter this new era welcoming the widespread application of conscious techniques in business, ensure that your organization is an early adopter, reaping the benefits over your competitors who lag behind mired in traditional business beliefs.

Emotional Intelligence - Benefits of Increasing EI Skills - Increasing your Emotional Intelligence skills offers significant benefits in areas that embrace virtually every behavior, every action and reaction, and every situation you may encounter. 

Emotional Intelligence - Assessment vs. Skill-Building - For over a decade, organizations have used various instruments to assess the Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills of their people. While assessment results in a great deal of information, it does not offer the return on investment (ROI) provided by EI training. Given the decision to assess skill or enhance skill (i.e. train), it appears that helping people develop EI skills is a far better use of scarce resources.

Emotional Intelligence Skill-building Can Impact Many Workplace Issues - A group of organizational development professionals developed a list of 45 issues impacted by Emotional Intelligence (EI) skill development. The list (most likely not all-inclusive) is quite eye opening. As an organizational improvement intervention, EI skill development has the potential to positively impact a multitude of organizational problems concurrently. Development of EI skills does not just improve leadership competencies or management skills. The effect is far-reaching.

Emotional Intelligence - Build a Solid Foundation of Emotional Self-Awareness - Emotional self-awareness is the foundational Emotional Intelligence competency upon which all others are built. Yet we've become so accustomed to the pressures we face daily that we rarely recognize the negative emotions these pressures evoke. Without recognizing where we are expending our emotional energy, it becomes difficult to progress to developing other EI competencies.

Emotional Intelligence - Key to Resilience in a Stressful World - The demands of today's world can evoke negative emotions that, when not handled effectively, result in high levels of stress. Through developing Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills we can transform those negative emotions into positive, productive behaviors that enable us to accomplish more and feel better.