Sunil Bharti Mittal, founder, chairman and group chief executive officer of Bharti Enter prises, is set to join Unilever Plc's board in May. A Unilever release on Thursday said Mittal will be proposed for election to the board at the company's annual general meetings in London on 11 May and Rotterdam on 12 May.
The world's second largest packaged consumer goods company after Procter and Gamble Co. is set to appoint Mittal a year after the retirement of N.R. Narayana Murthy, cofounder and chairman of Infosys Technolo gies Ltd, who was an independent director on its board since May 2007.
Mittal, 53, has previously been an independent non-executive director of Standard Chartered Plc. His leadership at Bharti Air tel Ltd has grown the company into one of the largest telecom providers across 19 Asian and African countries and a leading business group in India .
Michael Treschow, chairman of Unilever, said: “I am very pleased that Sunil Bharti Mittal has agreed to be proposed to join the board. He is distinguished in his field and will further strengthen the expertise and independence of the board, as well as broadening its diversity. I am sure Sunil will add considerably to the business.
Earlier this year, Unilever announced the appointment of Sir Malcolm Rifkind, British Member of Parliament for Kensington and Chelsea, to join its board as a non-executive director.