Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Live every moment

We must live every moment of our life with zest, zeal and enthusiasm without being dull or gloomy. Life is the most beautiful gift we have been bestowed with from the eternal God. The transcendental beauty of life is from its perpetual nature which emanates from the continuity of the species by way of natural law. Continuity of life bespeaks that there is continuity of moments that constitute the bigger span that is life, This exemplifies that we should continually be in the state of merriment as we have to pass this to every coming moment which is to be carry forwarded to nature around us and we develop the aura of grace and happiness. We can be in symphony with the nature to be one with our natural family and our creator God. Gloominess is also inevitable as night is also there after day but it is the matter of fact that night has it’s own beauty which needs to be cherished and enjoyed rather than to be regretted upon, after all we can also understand that night is dark day or we mean to say that sadness, dullness or gloominess is diluted happiness, so happiness is the natural state that needs to carried on and on.
Manoj Kumar
Asst. Professor